Innovative Methodologies & Tools
The quality of a financial model can make or break a transaction.
To ensure that business decisions are based on sound information, Weissknight has designed very sophisticated financial models.
These financial models are dynamic and more importantly, understandable.
They combine the details of your business opportunity with state-of-the-art valuation methodologies.
The result ?
Fantastic insight into the chemistry of shareholder value creation, and a higher degree of confidence in the decision making process.
This enables us to work with you and your company on a real-time basis during negotiations, bid submissions, and strategic reviews.
Weissknight-USA helps clients to solve critical and complex business problems using specific models.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you to achieve your strategic and business development objectives.
Attention to Data & details
Weissknight USA provides the tools that investors need in our changing environment, improving their ability to identify, control, diversify, mitigate and/or exploit risk.
We conduct our own proprietary research and studies of empirical data on a wide range of valuation related subjects.
Performing such in-house work, and having access to the underlying data gives us superior insights compared to the vast majority of our competitors, which must rely on often outdated studies published by others.
We have developed specific valuation models, using the leading investment bank standards.
For the specific purpose of valuing early stage technology and life sciences companies, Weissknight-USA conducts studies analysing the prices paid by investors in the successive rounds of financing.
For the specific purpose of valuing fractional interests, Weissknight analyses the range of discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability observed in the marketplace. We also identify not only the range of discounts in the marketplace but, more importantly, the specific factors that influence the magnitude of the discounts.
business Plan
Turning an innovative business idea into a successful company is the dream of every entrepreneur and investor.
A well-developed business plan can be critical to communicate the vision of your company, and it is the first step to achieve this goal. We work closely with you to develop the most meaningful form of business plan for your business.
We develop business plans using a corporate finance approach.
We emphasize the integration of strategy and finance to incorporate all aspects of your business including marketing, R&D, human resources, capital expenditures, competition, market dynamics… in order to project your specific vision within your market environment.
Capital Structure
Due to the accelerating pace of business, our clients are constantly balancing complex objectives.
Each transaction in which our clients are engaged must seek to increase shareholders’ value, while not compromising quarterly performance, customers’ confidence, or employees’ efforts.
The capital structure of the company is one of the classical way to increase the shareholders’ value creation, using simple financial engineering tools.
We have developed specific and unique financial models that will help you to take the right decision for your company, and therefore to enhance the overall shareholders’ value creation.
For more information on our capital structure services, please contact us.